The Albanian community has strong ties with Italy and there are many elements that testify to this statement. In modern times, since the early 1990s, our country has represented a natural point of arrival for Albanian workers who, at the end of a long period of isolation, have found job and development opportunities there. In the following thirty years these workers built a part of Albania’s growth thanks to the relationships created and consolidated with the Italians.
Today the country of the Eagle has become a reference market for Italian exports and represents a gateway to the Balkan market, on one side and on the other a very interesting destination for those companies looking for production chains in the most diverse sectors. From manufacturing to automotive, passing through IT services and the important call center structures.
So it was natural to bring to Tirana, impeccably assisted by the organization of Roberto Laera, the Italian Network, to the attention of a large group of operators in the Food & Beverage sector some peculiarities of the peninsula: extra virgin olive oil, coffee cream and aperitifs alcohol-based ready-to-serve.
On the occasion of the B2B mission of May 2022, we also investigated the possible commercial development activities represented by three sectors with strong growth: the supply of Job recruiting services to Italian companies, facilitated by the knowledge of the Italian language in most Albanians and the familiarity with our system, the tourist attraction represented by the development of a nascent seafaring activity, which sees in the development of new marinas and seaside residences a natural phase of growth of the local economy and the possibility of developing commercial relations also in the neighbors of the Balkans such as Macedonia, Montenegro by opening branches of the Italian parent company in Albania which enjoy particular economic and fiscal advantages.